An out-of-date website doesn’t just hinder profits and business, but it can hurt them! Your website should be consistently updated to reflect new trends and advancements so that they’re more user-friendly and compelling.
We have five signs you should keep an eye on. Any one of these indicates that it’s time for a web redesign.

#1 Low Conversion Rates
Conversion rates are a vital indicator of a healthy website. Your site’s conversion rate refers to how many people visit your site and then complete an action (e.g., buy something). If your conversion rate keeps dropping, that could be a sign that your website is no longer current.
#2 Not a Responsive Web Design
Responsive web design means that your site will look good on all devices. This includes cell phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops! If your web was designed before 2010, it’s highly likely your website isn’t responsive.
You want your website to be easily navigated and viewed on all devices, but especially on mobile. On average, almost 60% of web traffic happens through mobile devices—so do yourself a favour and make sure your site is mobile-friendly.
#3 Visually Outdated & Text Heavy
A dead giveaway that your site needs a refresh is if it looks old and has blocks and blocks of text.
If the visual appearance of your site isn’t up to date on current trends, it may turn potential clients away. They won’t think of you as a modern company and may expect your business to be slow or out of touch.
Years ago, the trend was to use lots of words to get your message across, but that’s not exactly user-friendly, is it? No one wants to visit a site and have to spend several minutes reading before getting to the punch line. Look over your website with a critical eye and ask yourself if there is too much to read. Consider where you may be able to reduce the text or use visuals to say a message.
#4 No Longer User-Friendly
As time goes by, web design options become more and more user-friendly. It’s important to keep up with these new advancements.
Your website should always be easy for your visitors to navigate. They should be able to explore all pages while knowing where they are on your website.
#5 Slow Load Times
Your website should load in 3 seconds. If you can believe it, any longer than that and you could lose a visitor. People are used to fast, fast, fast, and your website needs to match that energy.
Not only will you lose visitors, but you will also likely drop in search engine results. Search engine optimization is critical while designing your website, so make sure you scour to see if anything is dropping you in those ratings.